Friday, March 4, 2022

Fasting from your Addictions

 So many people focus on fasting and giving things up, sacrificing things during Lent…. A lot of times they even make a big deal about it. It actually says, in the bible, NOT to talk about it. To bathe, get dressed, make yourself look presentable, and don’t let others see how you suffer.

But today, many of my claimants talked about their journey to becoming clean and sober. How their fasting from their addictions helped them turn their lives around, and how they have been able to see the changes, the differences in where they were, what led them down that path, and where they are now. 

I believe there are appropriate times to talk about what we have and haven’t given up. Our addictions, whether we are ready to acknowledge them or not, hurt so many people - soooo many more people than we may ever realize. Six degrees of separation doesn’t even begin to cover the trickle-down effect of how our actions, inactions, and reactions impact the lives of others. 

On this first Friday of Lent, let’s think about what we truly should be fasting from, and whether or not we should choose to share it. 

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