Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Here's the Thing - Nobody Wins.

Right now, I should be in Texas, helping. Right now, I'm not. Right now, the governor of Texas is fighting with the federal government about who has the right to do what; about who has jurisdicition to say what should and shouldn't be done with 17,000 minor children who came to this country seeking saftey, seeking refuge. Right now, it's back to business as usual here for me, with my appointments and my phone calls, singing for weddings, singing at church, and walking my miles every day. Right now, I struggle with the fact that I'm back in my "first world" status, my white privilaged routine, where I can't deny the fact that I have luxuries afforded to me that are above and beyond what are necessary for every day existence. Right now, all I can do is pray. Pray that someone, somewhere recognizes what is *right* and what needs to happen for those SEVENTEEN THOUSAND children who are still in custody, without families, without support, without homes. Pray that somehow I find peace of mind, heart, and soul with the fact that I was just days away from being able to help and it remains just out of my grasp, beyond my control. Pray that the Holy Spirit is with every single one of those souls involved, children and workers alike, helping them to cope and find their way out of the darkness that they fight every single day that they remain in their situation. Until there are NO MORE children in custody, until this is no longer a political game, nobody wins.