Tuesday, August 23, 2016


"Sometimes we forget what's important.  We struggle so long to establish ourselves that we become addicted to the struggle.  We begin to think that if we are not struggling we are not alive."

~Anne Wilson Schaef, Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much

How true is this?  In personal relationships, professional relationships, faith-relationships... the list goes on.  We all know that person - sometimes we ARE that person - who always seems to have some sort of something going on.  It's not to say that the "right" way out is the easy way out, but I think we really need to take a step back, or help those around us to step back, and try to see a bigger picture; where does the real focus belong? 

"Sometimes we have to struggle... sometimes not.  The issue is not the romance of the struggle; the issue is who WE are as we engage in it."

Are we creating the struggle because it's where we think we need to be?  Has it become our comfort zone?  Is the issue at hand a true conviction for you, or is it more of a matter of pride? 

Reuven Hammer says "It is prayer that restores to us the ability to feel, to see, and to appreciate."

When we find ourselves in a pattern of struggle, we must pray.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I'm still here!

I have not forgotten about this blog, I promise... I just have not felt the Spirit moving me to write much.  I've been witnessing, sharing my gift of song to help people worship, pray, and heal, but no words have come for posting...

I'm working on it.  I am hearing a calling to share more... stay tuned!

Thursday, February 11, 2016


If you follow me on facebook or Instagram, you've already seen these photos... along with the song book and my latte cup, or the trusty "breakfast of champions", thin-cut beef jerky and an energy drink... But these are my favorites, and they are definitely work sharing again! 

If you've followed my journey over the last few years, you know that I've struggled with where I am versus where I want to be and where I'm supposed to be.  You also know that I feel, 100%, that I am exactly where I am needed.  You are also aware of the... different... ways I've found to experience God. 

Psalm 146:2 says "I will make melodies to my God as long as I am." and that's pretty much my story, right there.  It's not always easy to start the wake-up process at 5am on a Sunday morning, and it's not always easy to know that I will miss so many Seahawks games because I will be singing at church, or that I have to make sure I look presentable by 7am on a Sunday morning, ready to sing and literally lead the masses, but I do it, with a heart of joy, and I would never trade my experiences for anything. 

As I drive to the intimate little church in Black Diamond, I am greeted with God's glory in so many ways!  This is but one that I was able to capture, courtesy of a stop sign... No, I would never attempt to take a photo while driving! 

The sanctuary is set up so the congregation faces each other, and while it took a while getting used to, I like it.  It is, as I said before, intimate. And the organ, piano, and choir pews are set up behind the altar - which was odd at first, but it's grown on me, and I absolutely love it. 

My favorite part about singing is being in the sanctuary alone, with the lights dimmed, just me and God.  I ask Him to use me, use my gift of song, to reach every single person in a way that only He knows they need to be reached.  Sometimes the one-on-one time is just long enough to finish a quick prayer before the lights go up, before the accompanist starts to run through her piece(s), before Father walks in and strikes up a conversation... but I never feel interrupted.  I feel like God reaches me for just the right length of time that He needs, that I need.